Agan biasanya kalo naik pesawat makan apa di dalam cabin?
Ayam? daging sapi? ikan? atau roti isi? (pasti selalu ini menu di pesawat gan, boleh ditanya sama mbak pramugarinya)
Tapi kalo agan seorang vegetarian terus gimana? mau makan apa? ayam, daging sama ikannya gak dimakan gitu gan? terus kalo perjalanannya memakan waktu 9 jam atau bahkan 14 jam agan gak makan juga?
Jangan khawatir gan saya punya solusi gan...
Mungkin sebagian agan-agan ada yang belum tau kalo kita naik pesawat itu bisa pesan makanan yang sesuai sama makanan yang kita butuhkan.
Seorang vegetarian gak bisa makan daging, seorang yang punya penyakit diabetes ga bisa makan nasi/gula, seorang Yahudi ga bisa makan sembarangan, agan punya anak yang masih berumur 1 tahun gak mungkin banget dikasih makanan standard dari pesawat.
Kalo agan adalah termasuk penumpang yang punya kasus seperti itu, coba agan cek macam-macam makanan yang bisa agan pesan dibawah ini.
â¢â⢠Baby, Infant and Child Meals â¢ââ¢
Spoiler for mealsQuote:
⢠Baby Meal (BBML)
Suitable for infants less than 1 year old, this meal consists of 3 jars (approximately 80g/3oz to 110g/4oz per jar) of baby food - main course, vegetables and dessert.
Spoiler for BBML
⢠Post-Weaning Meal (PWMLM)
Suitable for infants between 1 and 2 years old, this meal is more substantial than a Baby Meal. Food items are easy to bite, chew and digest.
Spoiler for PWMLM
⢠Child Meal for Infant (CHMLI)
Suitable for infants less than 2 years old, this meal is more substantial in terms of quantity and choice of meal components. Food items are easy to bite, chew and digest.
Spoiler for CHMLI
⢠Child Meal (CHML)
Suitable for children between 2 and 7 years old, this meal is less substantial than adult meal. Food items are easy to bite and chew, and are attractive to children.
Spoiler for CHML
**Note: Perbedaannya di kelompokkan berdasarkan umur.
Quote:â¢â⢠Religious Meals â¢ââ¢
Spoiler for mealsQuote:⢠Hindu Non-Vegetarian Meal (HNML)
This meal is non-vegetarian and contains meat (lamb, poultry), fish, and/or dairy products. It is a non-vegetarian meal suitable for those who do not consume beef, veal, pork, smoked and raw fish. Typically cooked spicy or curried, its preparation and cooking style may vary.
Spoiler for HNML
⢠Kosher Meal (KSML)
Prepared according to Jewish religious specifications, this pre-packed meal (which is sealed) contains meat.
Spoiler for KSML
⢠Kosher Vegetarian (KSMLV)
Prepared according to Jewish religious specifications, this pre-packed meal (which is sealed) excludes the use of any meat, seafood and dairy products. Please contact our Reservations Office to make the necessary arrangements for your flight.
Spoiler for KSMLV
sama seperti KSML biasa, bedanya hanya komposisi makanannya hanya boleh sayuran aja, tetep harus ada sertifikat Kosher.
⢠Muslim Meal (MOML)
No alcohol, pork, pig by-products, ham or bacon is used in the preparation of this meal. Its preparation and cooking style may vary.
Spoiler for MOML
â¢â⢠Vegetarian Meals â¢ââ¢
Spoiler for mealsQuote:
⢠Raw Vegetarian Meal (RVML)
This meal composes a combination of raw fruits and/or vegetables.
Spoiler for RVML
⢠Vegetarian Indian Meal (AVML)
This is a non-strict vegetarian meal which is prepared in an Indian style and is usually spicy. No meat, seafood or egg is allowed. This meal may include dairy products.
Spoiler for AVML
⢠Vegetarian Jain Meal (VJML)
Suitable for Jains, this meal is cooked in an Indian style and is usually spicy. No meat, seafood, egg and dairy products are used in the preparation of this meal. Onions, garlic, ginger, mushrooms and root vegetables are also not used. Please contact our Reservations Office to make the necessary arrangements for your flight.
Spoiler for VJML
⢠Vegetarian Oriental Meal (VOML)
Typically cooked in Chinese style, this meal does not contain meat, seafood, egg and dairy products.
Spoiler for VOML
⢠Vegetarian Vegan Meal (VGML)
Typically cooked in Western style, this meal does not contain meat, seafood, egg and dairy products.
Spoiler for VGML
⢠Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo Meal (VLML)
Prepared in Western style, this is a non-strict vegetarian meal which can include eggs and dairy products but eliminates all meats and seafood.
Spoiler for VLML
â¢â⢠Dietary Meals â¢ââ¢
Spoiler for mealsQuote:
⢠Bland Meal (BLML)
Items that cause gastric irritation will not be used in the preparation of this meal e.g. black pepper, chilli powder, cocoa and alcohol.
Spoiler for BLML
⢠Diabetic Meal (DBML)
Sugar is not used in the preparation of this meal. Salt in restricted quantity is allowed.
Spoiler for DBML
⢠Fat Free Meal (FFMLM)
This meal excludes the use of animal fats or fatty foods, and dairy products. Food naturally high in cholesterol, such as red meat, prawns and poultry skin of all types are avoided. Fried foods of all types are prohibited.
Spoiler for FFMLM
⢠Fruit Platter (FPML)
Only fresh fruits are served for this meal.
Spoiler for FPML
⢠Gluten Intolerant Meal (GFML)
No wheat, rye, barley, oats and bran in any form (including food items which may contain such ingredients) are served for this meal.
Spoiler for GFML
⢠Low Calorie Meal (LCML)
Foods contaning large quantities of fat (e.g. fried foods, sauces and gravies) are used in limited amounts to prepare this meal. The use of sugar-rich items is also restricted.
Spoiler for LCML
⢠Low Fat Meal (LFML)
This meal excludes the use of animal fats or fatty foods. Food naturally high in cholesterol (e.g. prawns and poultry skin of all types) and fried foods of all types are prohibited. Only low-fat dairy products (e.g. skim milk or cottage cheese), lean meat and poly-unsaturated liquid vegetable oils are permitted.
Spoiler for LFML
⢠Low Fibre Residue Meal (LFBRS)
This easy digestible meal limits the amount of fibre consumed. Bran and whole-grain products are avoided. Fruits, vegetables and juices are restricted.
Spoiler for LFBRS
⢠Low Lactose Meal (NLML)
This meal excludes foods which contain milk, dry milk solids, casein, cheese, cream, butter, lactose and margarine.
Spoiler for NLML
⢠Low Salt Meal (LSML)
Salt, as well as naturally salted and processed foods (e.g. baking powder, soda and MSG) are either eliminated or restricted in amount in the preparation of this meal.
Spoiler for LSML
⢠Non-Carbohydrate Meal (NCBHD)
No starch and carbohydrates in any form will be featured in this meal.
Spoiler for NCBHD
⢠Non-Strict Nut Free Meal (NFMLA)
Ingredients such as groundnuts and legumes are omitted from this meal. Please contact our Reservations Office to make the necessary arrangements for your flight.
Spoiler for
⢠Semi-Fluid Meal (SMFUM)
Mainly pureed, minced and easily digestible items (e.g. milk, yogurt, porridge, minced or homogenised meat, pureed vegetables and fruits) are featured in this meal.
Spoiler for SMFUM
⢠Soft Fluid Meal (SFUML)
Mainly sieved and soupy items (e.g. milk, sieved porridge, sieved thickened soup or clear soup) are featured in this meal.
Spoiler for SFUML
⢠Ulcer Diet Meal (UCDEM)
This meal contains easily digestible, plain, poached and broiled foods (e.g. white meat or fish). Food or fruits that are acidic (e.g. citrus fruits) are avoided.
Spoiler for UCDEM
ini udah mati-matian nyari gambarnya gan, tapi gak dapet. kalo ada yang punya boleh dishare disini.
â¢â⢠Other Meals â¢ââ¢
Spoiler for mealsQuote:
⢠Japanese Meal (JPMLM)
Available only to Suites and First Class passengers, this meal is featured on flights from Singapore and other selected routes, with a flight duration of 2 hours or more. Please contact our Reservations Office to make the necessary arrangements for your flight.
Spoiler for JPMLM
⢠Seafood Meal(SFML)
This meal contains only seafood, including fish.
Spoiler for SFML
⢠Non-Beef Meal (NBMLM)
This meal prohibits the use of beef or beef by-products in all courses.
Spoiler for NBMLM
**Note: Code yang ada di dalam kurung itu adalah kode IATA yang digunakan di sistem reservasi, jadi gak akan ditulis disana Hindu Meal, Kosher Meal, Post-Weaning Meal dll.
Sekian dulu thread dari ane, semoga bisa bermanfaat buat agan-agan yang mau naik pesawat.
Jangan lupa rate bintang 5 gan.
Sukur-sukur ada yang ngasih cendol gan.
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sumber 2
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