Quote:Penasaran gak gan,gmn ya jadinya kalo karakter disney yg perempuan diubah menjadi laki2 atau sebaliknya,wih pasti keren + aneh banget tuh.Yaudah biar gk penasaran lansung kita mulai aja,Cekidot!Quote:Spoiler for 1. Ariel (The Little Mermaid): Jadi Macho gitu gan Spoiler for 2. Beauty & Beast (Beauty & The Beast): Beast nya bersolek,Beautynya kaya banciSpoiler for 3. Esmerelda (Hunchback of Notre Dame): Mirip2 artis siapa gituSpoiler for 4. Jack & Sally (The Nightmare Before Christmas): Serem gan Spoiler for 5. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty): Wih kaya bos2 di game ajaSpoiler for 6. Ursula (The Little Mermaid): macho bgt Spoiler for 7. Hades (Hercules): Hadesnya jd Hot gitu yaSpoiler for 8. Pocahontas (Pocahontas): Keren ya Spoiler for 9. Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians): Menurut ane ini yg paling keren,epicSpoiler for 10. Elsa (Frozen): Dipanggil Elsir kali ya Spoiler for 11.Jack Frost(Rise Of The Guardian): sexy2 gitu gan
Credit:SumberNo Repost
Spoiler for Tentang Pembuat: Digital artist Sakimichanloves taking her favorite characters and redesigning them with a new gender. In her series of genderbent Disney characters, she takes our favorite princes, princesses, and villains and gives them a makeover like nothing you've ever seen. I would fully support a remake of the movies with these alteration!Spoiler for Proses Pembuatannya: Spoiler for Karya2 Lainnya: Bagi Cendolnya dong ganQuote:Kunjungi Juga Thread Ane yg Lainnya Gan
â£â£[TIPS] Meraih Sukses Menghadapi Ujian Nasionalâ£â£
6 Aksi Perampokan Yang Gagal
5 Tempat Ritual Pemujaan Paling Terkenal di Dunia
Beberapa Eksperimen Gila dan Menakutkan yang Pernah Dilakukan
15 Video Nekat yang Bikin Kamu Jantungan
6 Surat Lamaran Paling Keren di Dunia
Sumber :http://www.kaskus.co.id/thread/534f8f79108b4654498b46d8